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Digital Marketing Ted

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Are you tired of shelling out big bucks for Ahrefs just to peek at your competitors’ keywords? What if I told you there’s a way to get that golden data without spending a dime? Yes, you heard it right – a free alternative exists, and it’s hiding in plain sight!

In this blog, I’m going to reveal how you can harness the power of Google Ads Keyword Planner to not only spy on your competitors’ websites but also to uncover the exact keywords they’re using to drive traffic. This isn’t just a game-changer; it’s a wallet-saver!

Start with a WebsiteEnter a competitor’s website into the Keyword Planner to discover valuable keywords.
Sort and SelectSort results by average monthly searches or change over three months, focusing on tangible growth.
Analyze and AdaptChoose keywords that fit your brand and content strategy, considering trends and seasonal traffic.
Dive DeeperUse a specific well-performing article URL from your competitor to get targeted keywords for that content.
Craft Superior ContentWrite articles that surpass your competitor’s content in quality and SEO, targeting high-traffic keywords.
Leverage AI WritingUse AI to create an SEO-optimized article with the selected keywords.
Publish and ProsperConvert the article to HTML, publish it on your CMS, and watch your SEO ranking improve.

Step 1: Start with a Website

Use Google Ads Keyword Planner to input a competitor’s website URL. This will help you identify the keywords they’re targeting.

For example, If your competitor is a digital marketing agency, you might enter their URL into the Keyword Planner to see which SEO-related keywords they’re focusing on.

Step 2: Sort and Select

You can sort the results by average monthly searches or by the change over three months. Skip the ‘infinite’ ones and focus on the keywords that show real, tangible growth.

For instance, from the list, you may observe that “digital marketing services for small business” has a high search volume and an upward trend, indicating it’s a worthwhile keyword to target.

Step 3: Analyze and Adapt

Pick keywords that are relevant to your content and brand. Look for patterns and seasonal peaks to capitalize on timely topics.

If you find “holiday marketing strategies” peaks during November and December, you could create content around this topic to attract more traffic during those months.

Step 4: Dive Deeper

Now, let’s get specific. Find a well-performing article from your competitor, grab its URL, and feed it into the Keyword Planner. This will give you a list of targeted keywords for that particular piece of content.

As for our example, if your competitor has a popular article about “email marketing automation,” use its URL to discover specific keywords that you can also target in your content.

Step 5: Craft Superior Content

With this intel, you can write articles that not only match but surpass the quality and SEO of your competitor’s content. Check the total traffic potential and aim for high-traffic keywords.

For us, we can write a comprehensive guide on “email marketing automation” that covers topics not addressed by your competitor, ensuring it’s rich with the targeted keywords.

Step 6: Leverage AI Writing

Use AI tools to generate an SEO-optimized draft based on your chosen keywords. This can help you create content quickly and efficiently.

Provide the AI with your targeted keywords and ask it to create an outline or a first draft for an article on “advanced email marketing strategies.”

Step 7: Publish and Prosper

Once you’ve got your article, convert it to HTML, and publish it on your CMS. Watch as your site climbs the SEO ladder, all without spending a penny on Ahrefs.

So there you have it, folks – your blueprint to SEO success on a shoestring budget. Say goodbye to expensive subscriptions and hello to savvy, strategic growth.

Remember, this method is not just about saving money; it’s about being smart and resourceful in a digital world where every click counts. Use this strategy to stay ahead of the curve and watch your online presence soar. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks that will help you dominate the SEO game!
